Indian Summer Return Heralds Winter
By the 8th October, a Scandinavian high will migrate south & west for little vacation before winter bites: That’s good for us in October, because it will bring dry air, soft mellow sunshine, blue skies and mellow fruitfulness, like a vaccination against the dark days of cold to come. We…
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Reptile Translocations
We began moving reptiles from one of our sites to their new home a few weeks ago, and it’s a job that requires speed, accuracy and some nerve! In the last couple of weeks, we have successfully translocated over 60 juvenile and adult slow worms, as well as numerous grass…
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Badger Sett
We are currently in the process of monitoring and then closing a badger sett at one of our sites in Suffolk to ensure no badgers are on site during the construction phase of small scale development. This avoids any harm being done to this protected species. Several potential badger holes…
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We have found a great new product to VE open space and play design schemes..
...that will save money on conventional bench seating, add colour and offer the opportunity to display art or information graphics, or even be part of a way-finding strategy. The Art seat a simple solution. The Art Seat is very flexible in how it can be used; it has a contemporary…
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Indian Summer Dream
How much might you be longing for one of those dreamy, mellow Indian Summers: like those that garlanded our childhood memories - with slow-mo sunny afternoons and lingering picnics in favourite country places - special only to us? Well, I am dreaming - and dreams can come true, but first…
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Save Millions On Your Next Development Site
Save Millions on your next site: You can do this simply signing up for net bio-diversity gain? Sound’s crazy – right? Well we think you’ll ‘go wild’ at the savings we can make for you. So how can you save so much money by embracing what must seem like a…
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Healthy Eating
Do you want to make a difference with climate change? Do you want to be healthier and live longer? All you have to do is eat less meat and your carbon footprint drops like a stone, and you get fitter and healthier to boot. I used to detest vegetarian food,…
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The Future of UK Green Space Design
20 years ago, (2001), I believed I was a commercially aware Landscape Architect, having then 13 years working for top house builders, but ‘you don’t know what you don’t know!’ Establishing the OASIS Landscape Management company (2011) means, I now have to pay for the maintenance work myself, which was…
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Developers have a chance to Take a Stand for Building Better Biodiverse Futures
Who do you think has greener credentials - farmers or developers. Seems obvious, but like so many things, the truth can be surprising. My last family home was a new developer’s house, and it had been recycled from a disused intensive pig farm, with an acre of concrete yard and…
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