News & Views

JBA Landscape Masterplan Rackheath Norfolk

Application Success for New Dwellings in Norfolk

James Blake Associates provided landscape, ecology and arboricultural advice on a scheme which has just achieved Outline Planning Permission for approximately 205 dwellings from Broadland District Council, in the village of Rackheath. James Blake Associates carried out a Phase 1 Habitat Survey and protected species surveys as well as the…


Revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government published a revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on the 19th of February 2019. There are few major changes to the text - the revisions focus on clarification of key points. The main changes are as follows: Footnote 37,…

James Blake Associates Planning Approval

Faversham, Bovis Homes, Plans Approved

James Blake Associates held considered, extensive communication with the Local Planning Authority to deliver a bio-diversely sensitive scheme, inclusive of native and locally appropriate wildflower areas, native tree species, and native hedges. The site includes a RNR (Roadside Nature Reserve) with mitigation planting to enhance the feature on the frontage. …

Plot Landscape offer

High Quality Landscape Plans from £7 Per Plot

Our in-house landscape software update means we can now save clients half the cost of producing a plot landscape scheme. Clients tell us that their key drivers include: Value: starting at just £7.00/plot for larger schemes. Quality: bespoke planting design for each plot, plus a cost estimate, ensuring the WOW…

JBA Arboriculture

Going Green Means Big Savings

At James Blake Associates we have been surveying trees and designing landscapes for developers for 30 years, but it was only in the last 8 years that we discovered how many common elements within standard landscape proposals add disproportionately to both build costs and maintenance costs.  In light of this,…

Landscape Architects in East Anglia

New Development Approved in Cambridgeshire – Landscape Designed by James Blake Associates

We’ve just received the excellent news from Bovis Homes, that East Cambridgeshire's’ DC planning committee has approved the development at Witchford, with a unanimous vote from members. Members complemented Bovis on the quality of the design response to the site constraints and how well the team worked with, and listened…

Alylesbury Natural Garden City

The Aylesbury Approach – Natural Garden Cities

Why we are doing it? This is ground-breaking, ecologically led, landscape design which is good for all parties. More biodiverse. More sustainable. Costs less to deliver. Faster to establish. Lower maintenance . Less costly to maintain. Preserves and sustains ecological systems. Produces healthier communities who are more in touch with…

Green London by James Blake Associates

Green Light to Help Make London Greener

James Blake Associates recently got the green light to make a street in London, green. We have introduced more nature into the heart of London.  This is nature enhanced, because we've included some exotic species, but only those that the invertebrates love, being scented and with nectar rich flowers, (and…

James Blake Ecologist enters into film-making

From James Blake Associates Field Ecologist to the next David Attenborough!

Our farewell to Field Ecologist Isaac Stirling is bittersweet.  Isaac has been a brilliant member of the team here at James Blake Associates – always committed in his work, and his passion for ecology.  (His jokes however, leave a little bit to be desired…only joking Isaac!)  We will miss him…
