Big Savings From Natural Landscapes
I’ve heard many clients say – I hate wildflower - it doesn’t work and looks a mess: That’s “poppy-cock” to coin the pun. Getting great, biodiverse wildflower areas (poppy fields) that look really colourful and full of lovely wildflower, and no weeds or mess, is easy, simple and cheap: You…
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Meet our New Team Leader – Strategic Landscape Division
Abby Stallwood has joined (or should I say re-joined) James Blake Associates, as Team Leader of the Strategic Landscape Division. Abby brings a significant level of experience with more than 10 years post CMLI qualification, having worked on numerous site promotions, environmental impact assessments, landscape and visual impact assessments (as…
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Peter Brais takes over as Head of Arboriculture at James Blake Associates
Peter is a highly experience arboriculturist and is very commercially aware, practical and down-to-earth, and above all, very keen to assist our clients in offering an excellent, rapid and effective service. Peter follows on from Kev, who has moved on for pastures new, and benefitted from a 2 week overlap…
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Life (and Business) After Covid19
Once or twice in a lifetime, something happens to change the world. The world's smallest organism has just had the biggest impact on our lives. Many of us, me included, have felt the sadness of loved ones lost. We live with the anxiety of a latent and lurking danger, the…
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Heartening So Many Clients Still Going Strong
Whilst many clients are locked down, many are still going, all working from home. There is a shared commitment that even if this horrid disease were to linger for a year, it’s a short time in development time frames, and promoting new sites is still crucial, to ensure we have…
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Existing Schemes – How Much Could You Save?
In business its a big mistake to think - I've already paid for that - I cannot justify more fees - even though to do so might save you much more money overall. Say you bought new software for £10k, because it saves you 50K, then new free software comes…
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Business Almost As Usual: To Confound Covid-19
James Blake Associates has all team members now working from home, with VPN, Office 365 emails and Microsoft Teams for conferencing purposes (plus skype/ Zoom as our clients require). Work is allocated in the normal way, weekly, onto team member goal sheets, who will work from home unless they have…
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Ecology and Arboriculture Surveys – Timing is Key
Ensure you have the right consultant that does what is needed the right way but knows when a survey is needed and when it is not. For example, a client recently asked JBA to check if they needed all the surveys recommended in the PA1 report. We found they did…
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A Rare Sighting
Some of our ecology team recently spotted this rare creature while undertaking monitoring work on a badger sett. There was some question we may have found an erythristic badger – much paler than the typical black and white badger, still with the same markings, but reddish-pink in colour. However, our…
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