A Christmas message from our Chairman, James Blake – our founder reflects on fond memories on the business as he embarks on his semi-retirement..
As the end of the year is nigh and our Chairman, James Blake, will be taking a step back from the business, although still on hand for training, advice and support. Our Founder reflects on his fond memories and how it all began here at James Blake Associates (JBA) and…
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National Landscape Awards names Urban Forestry principal winners for community scheme designed by James Blake Associates
Award-winning community landscape scheme in East Anglia scoops a top prize in the largest awards ceremony in Europe by British Association of Landscape Industries Award-winning contractor Urban Forestry (Bury St Edmunds) Ltd was the winner of the principal award for a community scheme that was designed by UK Chartered practice…
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Word on the Street
Why James Blake Associates are trailblazers for trees and greener initiatives that save money and add value. With our design solutions, you’ll make major net savings for every street tree you plant creating greener, more successful schemes. At @JamesBlakeAssociates we are cognisant of the NPPF’s requirement for developers to plant…
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World Mental Health Day
This year’s theme is “Building a fairer, healthier world” and in these busy times, it’s good to stop and think about one another both at work and home. We promote greener schemes intrinsically linking the natural environment into our landscape design for the benefit of conservation and our communities. Appreciation…
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Go Green
Multi-award-winning Chartered Landscape Architect firm and nationwide environmental consultancy, James Blake Associates are well known in development circles for promoting greener ways of building. Our Founder, @JamesBlake tells us how to go green, design in a more natural way to save money and make more money for greener, more successful…
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Need An Epiphany?
At @James-Blake-Associates, we help clients change the way they think about designing and developing greener schemes to instantly SAVE MONEY, make MORE money and save the planet. Contact us today to help you get that lightbulb moment as we have a myriad of ways to save and make more money…
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SOS – Save our Skylarks
With a rapid decline in numbers in the UK, James Blake Associates’ latest bird surveys salute this species and offer mitigation schemes to help Save Our Songbirds Spring sees the start of the new ecology seasonal window and a sight to behold is the soaring Skylark and its spectacular song…
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The Butterfly Effect
Rapidly decreasing numbers of butterflies in the UK calls for more protection for the UK’s kaleidoscopes of colour in the countryside Butterflies are important indicators of a healthy ecosystem that can be used to study the impact of habitat loss and climate change. Butterflies in the UK have been closely…
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The irony is that the technology has been at our beck and call for achieving net zero for decades, and all we have to do is use it. Renewable energy is 9 times cheaper to produce than gas, oil or coal power stations, and so too nuclear. The technology is…
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