Beware the Equinox Siberian Tiger
Beware the equinox Siberian Tiger – it bites! I’ve kept a little quiet on the weather – it’s been too benign. However, signs are gathering & near enough in range to share a wary warning with you. After a brief cold snap on Tuesday next week, it warms up, spring like even – but as the following weekend nears, beware. Lurking in the Arctic murk, awaits a coiled Siberian tiger ready to spring (of a different kind), to hold us firmly & bite us deeply. Alex’ Buchan, a Scottish 9th C meteorologist, purported statistical “Buchan’s Cold Spells,” the 2nd of which spans April 11-14. But this tiger may not wait that long. This plant killing, bone chilling beast from the north & east, will make its fierceness felt from the 1st. Expect frosts & snow, almost anywhere by the 3rd, lasting 5 days, with high ground adorned in unseasonal white, morning dustings possible anywhere. Expect facetious greetings of Merry Christmas – albeit Easter: which looks to be a real Beaster! Not nailed as yet, but models are consistent in their hints. Protect tender plants, halt bedding out, as frosts will be severe, with a lazy wind to boot, (which you will need to don, plus winter coat, hat, scarf & gloves) hard to imagine when March ends like a lamb. #snow #frost #tiger #beast #equinox #buchan #forecasts