Sprowston, Norfolk Homes
James Blake Associates was commissioned to produce a full set of master-plan drawings for this 164 plot scheme. Once the planning drawings were approved, work began on the detailed hard and soft landscape proposals. These technical drawings were taken forward into stage 5 with the addition of tree pit details…
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Oaklands House, London
James Blake Associates has been commissioned to produce stage 3 planning drawings for a commercial/residential three building development involving 27 stories and 16 roof gardens - 11 of these are intensive and include blue roof construction. AExtensive rooves involves green and brown roof systems and some wildflowers, grasses and trees. …
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Clay Farm, Cambridge
Initially the design process began with design quality panels and presentations leading onto larger design themes which run through the project such as natural play and multi-functional use of space. Once approval was granted, James Blake Associates were commissioned to produce a Masterplan drawing alongside detailed Hard and Soft landscape proposals,…
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Bow Trinity, London
James Blake Associates was commissioned to carry out urban design concepts and detailed landscape designs for the construction of new apartments in Bow Trinity, East London. This encompassed communal landscape hardworks and softworks, including surfacing, boundary treatments, furniture, lighting and artistic features. High quality communal roof and ground floor gardens…
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Isle of Sheppey Academy
Part of a two-site £50m investment to upgrade educational standards and facilities at the Isle of Sheppey Academy. James Blake Associates joined forces with AWP to resource this enormous BSF Scheme working with Shepherd Robson Architects and completed by Kier Build. https://www.jba-landmarc.com/services/landscape-design-and-implementation/
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Strategic Landscape – New Neighbourhood Centre and Site for New Primary School
James Blake Associates provided strategic landscape advice for an outline application in support of a mixed use application for residential development; a new Neighbourhood Centre and Site for a new primary school on land to the south of St John’s Road, Clacton, on behalf of Persimmon Homes. Proposals for the…
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St Anne’s Square, Bury St Edmunds
James Blake Associates undertook the hard and soft landscape design, tender process, and contract administration of St Anne's Square, Bury St Edmunds. The JBA landscape team created separate garden rooms using ornamental shrub and herbaceous planting to define spaces and add all year round interest. Particular emphasis was given to…
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Tayfen Meadows
Tayfen Meadows, (previously a caravan site and derelict greyhound track), was designed as a comprehensive development of 170 houses, including significant areas of public open space. The residential area is formed by a permeable network of roads and footpaths with each dividing perimeter blocks of houses defining and enclosing the…
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Premier Inn, Aviemore
JBA was commissioned to support a new planning application on a site with outline consent for a travel lodge, following Cairngorms National Park Authority’s objections to the new building and its impact on trees. This site is a triangular plot at the southern end of Aviemore which used to house…
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