Tackling TPO’s – Understanding Tree Protection Orders (TPOs)
Trees play a vital role in enhancing our environment, offering beauty, shade, and essential benefits for wildlife and air quality and form a key element to every housing scheme. Protecting trees is often a priority, and one of the ways this is achieved is through Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).
What is a TPO?
A Tree Preservation Order is a legal tool used by local planning authorities in England to safeguard specific trees, groups of trees, or woodlands in the interests of amenity and for the public’s benefit. Once a TPO is in place, it becomes illegal to perform certain actions on the protected trees without the authority’s consent. These restricted actions include:
- Cutting down
- Topping
- Lopping
- Uprooting
- Wilful damage
- Wilful destruction
- Cutting roots
Even when consent is granted, it may come with conditions that must be adhered to.
Types of TPOs
Protected trees can be of any size or species but must be considered a tree so shrubs are not included.
TPOs can be applied in three distinct categories:
1. Individual Trees: Orders placed on specific trees to preserve their unique value.
2. Groups: Designed to protect a collection of trees that hold collective significance.
3. Areas/Woodlands: These cover all trees and saplings within a defined area,
including those that grow naturally or are planted after the Order was made.
Key Considerations for TPOs
- Scope of Protection
- Woodland or area orders protect all trees, regardless of size, within the designated boundary.
- Group orders only cover the trees present when the TPO was issued; newly planted or naturally grown trees are excluded.
- Individual orders focus solely on the specified tree.
- Carrying Out Works: Having a TPO doesn’t mean you cannot undertake work on the trees. However, you need to demonstrate to the local authority that the proposed works are necessary, comply with British Standard BS3998:2010 and prioritise the tree’s health and safety.
Do You Need Assistance?
Navigating TPO regulations and submitting an application can be complex. From determining whether trees on your property are protected to preparing thorough and compliant applications, our expert arboriculture team at James Blake Associates are here to help.
Protecting trees is essential, and we’re here to ensure that the process is smooth and successful for you.
Contact Ian Clarke, enquiries@jba-landmarc.com / 01284 335 797