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Environment Bill – Amendment 66 Ancient Woodlands – Perspective Please

The hot news update regarding the proposed change to the buffering of Ancient Woodlands, from 15m to 50m has been rejected, but will be given more protection within the NPFF. Is this good news? It is true that Veteran trees do not always exist on the edges of an Ancient Woodland, and Ancient woodland does not have to be climax woodland to be Ancient – it’s more a historic issue of the site having been woodland for a very long time. One size does not fit all, but these are rare and valued places and we need to be all caring about their protection – or we all won’t have a planet or place to build upon, or Our children won’t.

The truth is that where developement interfaces Ancient Woodland, there are often some veteran trees and these need respect and 50m is what that means – to keep them alive for the next 1000 years, (if they don’t fry along with the rest of us first). By locating open space – adjacent to ancient woodlands – it is possible to accommodate these features, even where there are Veteran trees – needing 50m clearance, without losing square footage – and any land retained, as existing, counts positively towards BNG on metric 3.

We just have to be agile, positive and keep the bigger picture in mind, to keep supplying the needed housing and plan cleverly but not harmfully. That’s a win: win and no one loses – especially our children. #environment #housing #respect #veteran #agile

amendment 66 ancient woodland
