Infrastructure Works across Suffolk Route
The JBA Ecologists are currently contracted to carry out Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) across a 37 km cable installation route in Suffolk.
This large infrastructure project requires careful coordination with the site construction team to ensure the ecological constraints are managed whilst working to the tight project deadlines.
As the site contains a number of European Protected Species (EPS) and important habitats, all works are being carried out by our professional, licenced ecologists. The project involves ongoing supervision of works, habitat management, maintenance of protective fencing and the provision of advice to the site team and report of daily occurrences to the Principal contractor.
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) is a fundamental role on sites where ecology may be affected by development. This work ensures the project is carried out in accordance with legislation and best practice.
The Arboriculture and Ecology teams at James Blake Associates have extensive experience in infrastructure and management works. For more information, please contact James Blake Associates