Infrastructure Works across Suffolk Route
The JBA Ecologists are currently contracted to carry out Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) across a 37 km cable installation route in Suffolk. This large infrastructure project requires careful coordination with the site construction team to ensure the ecological constraints are managed whilst working to the tight project deadlines. As…
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Retaining Woodland At Low Cost
Ipswich, Suffolk Retaining existing trees and habitats is always the best way to landscape open space, but the key is to get the protection in place in advance, (as well as the understorey and habitat). Of course, an unkempt mess is generally not suitable within a development, particularly for the…
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Premier Inn, Aviemore
JBA was commissioned to support a new planning application on a site with outline consent for a travel lodge, following Cairngorms National Park Authority’s objections to the new building and its impact on trees. This site is a triangular plot at the southern end of Aviemore which used to house…
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Whitbread – various locations
James Blake Associates provide Landscape Architecture, Ecological and Arboricultural consultancy services to Whitbread plc. The group includes Premier Travel Inn, Brewers Fayre, Beefeater and Table Table brands. James Blake Associates has completed landscape schemes for in excess of 50 individual sites. The majority have been for build schemes or improvements…
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Tree Safety Survey, Cambridge
JBA was commissioned to undertake a health and safety survey of all trees on land owned by Marshall Group Properties Ltd (MGP). The MGP estate comprises of over 370 hectares on the eastern side of Cambridge with a diverse range of land use, including Cambridge Airport; Newmarket Road Park &…
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