April Chill Greta’s Bain
Is the April Chill Greta’s Bain? It would be easy to think the contrast of this year’s Pacific Oceanic La Nina induced April Chill would be a sign that global warming wasn’t such a threat as Greta is making us believe, but you’d be wrong: very wrong, though the late frosts and even surprise snows flatter to deceive:
All these odd chilly phenomena has arisen this winter due to the lazy jet stream, on it’s lackadaisical amplified meanderings, and as this persists so it will keep the April chill across the UK for much of the month, albeit dry and sunny at times – due to a persistent high pressure: Later in the month, this could shift west and allow unsettled and very chilly air to return: However, don’t be fooled by this chilly air, because the weaker jet is actually caused by the loss of the thermal gradient from north to south – as climate change is now affecting the poles more severely than the rest of the planet.
The irony for the UK, is that a likely greater incidence of such a lazy jet may see greater contrasts between very warm and very cold weather – and very wet and very dry periods: The UK sits at the nexus of 5 major airmasses, and the weather will remain therefore, a potent topic of UK conversation.
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