World Mental Health Day
This year’s theme is “Building a fairer, healthier world” and in these busy times, it’s good to stop and think about one another both at work and home. We promote greener schemes intrinsically linking the natural environment into our landscape design for the benefit of conservation and our communities. Appreciation of the nature around us invites tranquillity into our lives and diffuses anxiety. Green as a colour and everything this represents imbibes positivity in our thinking, relationships and physical wellbeing.
Take time to reflect on healthy living and looking after each other and our communities and how we can create a better place to live and breathe.
Our HR Department provide us with some top tips to promote a happy, healthy mind and body:
Keep Connected with your team
- One coffee connection per month
- Get together to reflect on achievements
- Asking Team Members how they are doing
- Planned social occasions at work
- Talk/see each other instead of text/email
- Regular check-ins
Keep Learning
- Ask questions
- Share knowledge/learning
- Learn a new skill
- Encourage strong teamwork on projects
- Allow time for learning
- Its ok to make a mistake – learn from it and share it
Stay Active
- Lunch time walks
- Regular movement away from your desks
- Walking/standing meetings
- Walk to talk
- Social sport
- Set a personal goal
- Regular screen breaks
Be kind
- Give a compliment
- Make someone else a cup of coffee
- Volunteer work
- Smile
- Give your time at work to lend a hand
- Share what works
- Be Kind – ask twice
Take notice / Be Aware
- Ask someone how they are and wait for an answer
- Be curious
- Start a conversation
- Check in on yourself – food, exercise, sleep, rest, recovery
- Your environment and others
- Body language/tone/eye contact
I also ask them to ensure they don’t neglect the things that make them happy
- Keep active
- Eat well
- Drink sensibly
- Avoid caffeine late in the evening
- Wind down before bed and avoid electronic devices
- Do something you are good at
- Take a break
- Keep in touch with friends and family
Talk to friends and colleagues at JBA if you feel stressed don’t bottle it up and above all ask for help…