Strategic Landscape – New Neighbourhood Centre and Site for New Primary School
James Blake Associates provided strategic landscape advice for an outline application in support of a mixed use application for residential development; a new Neighbourhood Centre and Site for a new primary school on land to the south of St John’s Road, Clacton, on behalf of Persimmon Homes.
Proposals for the site include up to 950 residential dwellings, which will be a mix of size, tenures and types. Comprehensive green infrastructure to include amenity areas and informal open space, with retained vegetation and proposed planting. A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment was carried out by our strategic landscape team which in turn informed a landscape strategy plan, the principles of which were incorporated into the development masterplan. A key consideration of the proposed development was the Strategic Green Gap between Clacton and Jaywick. A large area of Public Open Space is retained to the south of the site, ensuring that the sense of visual separation is retained and that Clacton and Jaywick retain their individual sense of character.
The proposed development will create housing choice, and provide new amenity spaces for the existing and new community, whilst improving public access across the site and to the wider Public Rights of Way network.